Townsville 2024-05-21 06:37

NC Dog Start Odds End Odds
1 4 Showtime Prissy 1.520
05/21 06:31
05/21 06:37
2 2 Hidden Radar -
05/21 06:37
3 Lush Ice 2.100
05/21 06:31
05/21 06:37
4 3 My Mate Neo -
05/21 06:37
5 Polarizer -
05/21 06:37
6 1 Haytown's Trio 1.700
05/21 06:31
05/21 06:37
7 Bella Sensation -
05/21 06:37
8 Molly Emgrand 2.450
05/21 06:31
05/21 06:37
9 Dave Ricciardo
9 Dave Ricciardo (Res)
10 Frank The Tank
10 Frank The Tank (Res)