내셔널 스포츠 트레이닝 센터

Leagues Played
Taiwan Football Premier League 15 Taiwan Premier League 3

National Sports Training Center is a football team based in Tainan, and is the football club for Taiwan's National Sports Training Center. It was merged in 2003 with the Lukuang football team, Taiwan's land army football team, after the option of alternate service in the Taiwanese militia. It participated in Taiwan Football Premier League.


Formerly known as the Lukuang football team (Chinese: 陸光足球隊; pinyin: Lùguāng zúqiúduì) or Taiwan Army football team, the NTSC football team belonged to the Republic of China Army and competed in the Chinese Taipei National Football League.

Since the Republic of China has the policy of conscription for all male citizens, qualified footballers could choose to join the Lukuang football team instead of the regular militia service after passing the tryouts. It helped the players to keep their form and provided additional selection and management to the Chinese Taipei national football team. As a result, most national team members have played for Lukuang.

In 2000, Lukuang quit the league due to military reform, but returned in 2003 under the new name of Taiwan National Sports Training Center football team and are affiliated with Taiwan's National Sports Training Center.

내셔널 스포츠 트레이닝 센터(National Sports Training Center)는 인도의 신진 축구 클럽으로 인도 슈퍼리그 참가를 목표로 삼고 있습니다. 이 클럽은 2018년에 설립되었으며 현재 인도 국립 축구 리그에 참가하고 있습니다. 내셔널 스포츠 트레이닝 센터는 고국 인도에서 많은 유망 주를 발굴하기 위해 설립됐습니다.

네루 스타디움에서 홈 경기를 치르고 있고, 인도의 신생 팀임에도 꾸준히 상위권을 차지하며 좋은 성적을 거두고 있으나 아직 슈퍼리그에 진출하지 못하고 있습니다. 인도 슈퍼리그에서 활약하는 선수들이 이 팀을 거쳐 나온 경우가 많습니다.